Land of the Lustrous (2017) In the far future, when humans are extinct, living gemstones defend themselves against the Lunarians, who harvest them for jewelry.
Phos is made of soft and brittle mineral, and is not useful for battling the Lunarians. The youngest of the gems, it’s only been 300 years since Phos arose from the ocean. Finding purpose when the other, stronger gems are fighting for existence is one of the challenges they face.
Cinnabar, being made of mercury, is poisonous to life, including the other gems, and cannot live with the other gems.
This series has been praised as one of the most intriguing and beautifully-animated shows of the last decade. And one of the few where CGI serves the story.
Join us for a first look at Land of the Lustrous- at West Toledo Public Library, 7:00 pm, as usual. Meet and discuss what anime you’re watching with new friends!
Also- we’ve got a Facebook Group and Page! If you use facebook- please share the meeting notices and/or use the group for anime discussions!